Monday, May 23, 2011

Welsome Back PSN:

So the Playstation Network is finally up and running but still Sony is getting the heat for not reporting the incident earlier, their handling of this incident and their inability to protect themselves from this gargantuan hacking. Surprisingly, I admit to all of these, why I said surprisingly? because I myself am a long time user of Playstation and to a certain extent a fan. But still, I don't follow a company blindly and neither do I take a blind eye towards their mistakes. Sure I was angry, mad and upset over the month long absence of Playstation Network and the way Sony told us about what exactly happened and technically we still don't. We still don't know the details as of how the hackers actually managed to get into Sony's system and stole so much information, which by the way is the same information that is stored on so many other websites that we use almost everyday. However, I am more angry over people and critics who just won't shut up about this and the way they are treating certain aspects of this incident.

For example, critics are taking the whole, "Stolen Information" aspect to epic proportions. Articles are written about how much of a danger we are in now that our basic information is in their hands, now let me get this clear, that same information is also in the databases of so many other websites, like amazon, best buy, even our own banks, imagine if Bank of America's accounts are being hacked, we loose more than just our name, addresses and credit card numbers, and yet some people don't realize that it really isn't that big of a deal.

As I mentioned earlier that I myself am very angry about the lack of information we had during the beginning of this incident but think about it, you are Sony, one of the biggest tech titan in the world, and suddenly you found yourself hacked like you are a garden variety website, off course you'll try to keep things quiet until the last minute and try to fix this mess as quickly and quietly as possible. But alas, in this case it wasn't the case so they as ashamed as they were,  had to come out and say that "Yes we dropped the ball and we are sorry and we still have no clue how it happened."

What made me even more angry was that some lawyers actually decided to sue Sony for this. I mean how can they sue the company but not the hackers? Sure Sony should have had better security measures installed but the real bad guy are the hackers who caused millions of gamers around the world so much trouble. To top it off when Sony actually announced a rewards program to compensate, people and critics actually made fun it and laughed and called it a lame attempt to just buy our frustration? Grow up, at least they are giving their users something in return, sure what they are giving isn't going to cover that month long agony but still its something rather than just a simple apology.

Sure I might sound a bit sympathetic to Sony but really I am not, I am still just as mad but for the right reasons, not because I am an arrogant jerk who think that services like Playstation Network, Xbox Live or iTunes is merely just a service. It takes people to run and sometimes mistakes happen. We should be a bit more forgiving and lenient.